The Difference Between Finding Happiness and Being Happy

One of my readers asked me when I was going to find happiness myself!

What a surprise question that was! But I realized that I am not writing clearly enough. So let me make this more clear.

I am happy. Can I be more happy? Yes. Can I be less happy? Sure!

Overall I am happy. Much of this comes from gratitude. I am very, very grateful for what I have which includes a wonderful wife/partner and two boys, a beautiful place to live (a horse farm in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains), income sufficient to meet all obligations and then some, and so much more that I could continue to list.

The purpose of my blog is not to make me happy – it is to do my best to help others understand (if needed) how they can find happiness as well.

Don’t I look happy here?

Miami is happy!

Finding happiness is simply a matter of thinking differently. notice I did not say it was easy – just simple!




Why You Should Be Successful and Happy…

John Carlton is a very good copywriter – and has posted a great column linked here:

This is an excerpt I particularly liked.


You can set an example, by tending your own garden and living life as well as you can. (And I’ve always believed that is part of the job of the entrepreneur… to engage life with gusto, for the sake of every feudal slave in history and every oppressed schlub today who has dreamed of the freedom to think, act and love without censorship and an authoritarian boot on his neck. You OWE it to him to make the best of your good fortune.)


Take a look at the whole post if you like this…