We have been hearing stories all day from Atlanta about the snow and cold. People stuck for 7 hours trying to get home, sleeping in stranger's homes, and roads looking like parking lots on a bad day.
Well, let me tell you, it has been rough here too!
We had to bicycle 2 miles each way with propane bottles strapped to the backs to get refills. It took four loads before the laundry was done. And that manatee in the dinghy dock just kept getting in the way.
Oh and it was a little on the warm side at 85. Thankfully it cooled down enough as the sun set to allow us to enjoy a couple of hours in the cockpit for contemplation, conversation and bevs on ice.
We do wish everyone in Atlanta, and North Carolina, a much better weather pattern to come. Feb is almost here. We remember that by late February spring was poking her head out on the farm!
Our blogging has been a bit on the lean side as we have been using up bandwidth at an alarming rate. Once they have you paying for bandwidth they have you period.
Between the 10 gb on the AT&T for the ipad and the 2.5 for the tmobile phone, we thought we would be ok, but we ran short with 6 days to go. When they start tacking on a GB at a time it gets expensive for cruisers with limited incomes!
So no images this post.. Sorry!
We have been holed up in Miami beach at Venetian Isles for a week or two getting some more projects completed. We have a video we can post in a few days…
I took a short business trip to Virginia Beach, Va for paws4people to appreciate the 12 degrees, airport crowds and general chaos outside the boating world.
On the flights back to Miami, I met two very nice people who reaffirmed some hope for the country. Jose was a strong family man from Orlando who kept me very interested in our conversations about work ethic, religion, spirituality, self respect, family values and more. Our flight went by very quickly.
The flight to Miami was made very pleasant by Jana. 35, very pretty, and smart, she had immigrated to Chicago from Checkoslovakia at 18 with no English and a college degree. She earned a living as a maid, learned English, and worked her way up into the restaurant business, saving enough money to go back to a four year architectural design school and was graduating in the fall. Her views on America as the land of opportunity (especially compared to Europe) and her values, and other views made me proud to be an American… Her goal is to design cancer hospitals to make the environment where people go to heal a part of the healing. You go girl!
Today we picked up the anchor on a perfect morning. Warm and sunny with just a hint of a breeze from the south made for a very nice motor back south to Dinner Key to get the laundry done and fill up the propane.
We saw our first manatee today in the dinghy dock… Ryan thought it was cool.
Plans are to possibly head back to Ft. Lauderdale, then back here for the Miami Show before heading south to Marathon…
It felt great today to realize we did not really have to be anywhere anytime and it was completely our choice! This is what this life is all about.