Hurricane Irene – and politics
I find myself guilty of secretly wishing a category 5 hurricane would come ashore and go right through DC and NY – if it would only take out Congress, the White House and the United Nations.Oh – and the federal reserve.
Wait – don’t forget about the Departments of Education, Revenue, Homeland Security and Health and…
OK. I know I don’t really want this to happen.
(It would cost too much to clean up the mess!)
But I sure hope that the ‘hurricane’ of normal people (tea party inspired but not necessarily that alone) who are slowly waking to the realization that this is a government of the people, BY the people and for the people – that these people help others understand unless we all take a more active role in choosing the direction we want to go – then we will go where we are led – usually by the nose!
And being led by the nose is not a pretty site – as the last 100 years of American politics can attest!