One step at a time is all you can do, but-

You can take really big steps!

Whatever it is you want to get done, just start. I tend to think too much about what I want accomplished. Sometimes I am even paralyzed by inaction becasue of overwhelm, or not knowing where to begin especially on big projects.

For instance right now as I work though the internet marketing ideas and learning curve I could be doing much more. But I keep learning and waiting for – what? Someone to help me? Do it for me? Sure!

Don’t wait. Jump into it with both feet and all your passion. The Universe will see that passion and dedication and provide help in ways you won’t believe.

Three years ago we bought ten acres of land with the dream of a horse farm. Today there are 14 horses in a large barn with a conference room and apartment over it for additional revenue. We are becoming known locally as ‘the place’ for lessons, camps and motivational seminars.

Why is this? Because we jumped in with passion and excitement and were rewarded for our efforts.

What is it that you want?



Die a lot.

Are you afraid of death? I guess a lot of people are. There are  lot of things people are afraid of – poverty, criticism, illness etc – but death ranks up there pretty high.

Here is the cure. Die a lot.

If you think about it, we die every second. The past is dead isn’t it? (Well it should be anyway!) The cool thing is each of us has the ability to create our lives all the time so dying should be a great opportunity to let go the past and create something new. A better, different, exciting future!

You see, if you did not know it you and I have that power. It is a power given only to us humans. We can create whatever we want. Not only that but we have been given the tools to understand and apply in a step by step method.

They are all around us!  

So my suggestion is celebrate death every possible second while realizing we can never really die, it is just that we are letting go all the stuff we don’t need any more to make room for the new!

I’m excited!