by miami | Feb 22, 2009
I have watched (and participated in) the ‘opportunity seeking’ described below by Seth Godin.
It is too easy in our fast paced life to think there is a shortcut.
(Reprinted for
Get rich quick
As long as there have been people who want to get rich, there have been get rich quick schemes. The guys who sell mailing lists have a name for people who buy these schemes: “opportunity seekers.” (more…)
by miami | Feb 8, 2009
After a week of low temperatures in the 13-17 degree range we enjoyed a t-shirt day yesterday with the high of 65!
It seemed as if the sun was shining right down on me (it was!) and all the birds were singing. I could hear Spring coming and my spirits soared!
And then I thought “Why can’t every day be just like this?”
It can. All you have to do is choose it!
But why would you?
Think about this carefully. If every day was perfect – you would not know it as there would be no measurement. We must experience the 15 degree weather to appreciate fully the 65 degree days!
My thought for the day (before I head out for the 70 degrees today!) is to appreciate every day – no matter what it brings you.
Because gratitude brings amazing things to your life…
by miami | Oct 28, 2008
I know there are people going through massive changes in their lives with all that is happening around us.
If you are one of those people, my heart goes out to you. We all are very much attached to our routines, our habits and our way of life, and when these routines are broken – with the pain that often is attached, our lives are thrown into confusion.
May I be so forward to suggest that now might be the time to take drastic action? If your life seems to be careening down a path you do not want to be on and you feel out of control – often the only way to gain control at all is to at least choose the path you will be going.
This is not an easy solution, but it can be an exciting one. If you were able to make a change what would you do? Is there anything you have dreamed of doing but let it go? Are there places you would live? Ideas you have to be implemented?
I think the best thing possible when life seems to be carrying you along is to make a conscious effort to wrest back control and do whatever you must do to create you own life.
When you do – you will find an inner strength to help, an inner peace from trying and a great sense of accomplishment for completion.
You can do it!
by miami | Oct 18, 2008
My background is self improvement.
One of my core beliefs and teachings is that we each create our own reality.
I am very concerned that many folks are allowing others to take this vital role away from them.
Although I have not had programmed TV in our house for over 17 years now, the ‘news’ still gets to me through the Internet, radio and conversations with others.
What bothers me is the idea that we are all about to crash and burn.
And as I watch the savings of many people disappear in the stock market I have to wonder what the heck is going on!
I think we all need to take a very close look at what tribe we are part of!
In my tribe(s) which include my family tribe, business tribe, friends tribe, etc… – our world is pretty much the same as it has always been.
There is no one panicking that I am aware of. Are some of the members of our tribes going through challenges due to financial challenges? Of course – but that is always happening!
All of us are still doing our best to create our lives the best we can. We are making daily choices to the best of our ability. And most of the folks I know are figuring out ways to take best advantage of every opportunity that arises. And there are incredible opportunities in today’s world!
When you come across someone who seems to be part of the tribe that believes the world is ending – please point out to them they are creating their own reality.
As for me – that world I hear about on the news (it shouldn’t even be called news in my opinion) is not the world I live in. Nor would I want to!
What do you think?
If you feel strongly about this, please post a comment on the blog…
by miami | Jul 23, 2008
Amazing Life Lesson #11
Money does not equal happiness
More than 80% of the responses to our survey on indicated that lack of (or insufficient) money was the biggest challenge faced today.
This is a scenario many face, and one I have struggled with before. Let’s look at this from a different point of view.
Many of my coaching clients initially believed the biggest roadblock to happiness was lack of money. So did I.
The answer to the biggest roadblock to more money is not enough happiness. Again…the biggest roadblock to more money is not enough happiness.
This answer hurts – and makes the problem even bigger for many! But in reality this answer creates amazing opportunities in your life!
I hear it all the time: "How can I be happy when I am struggling to pay the bills?"
And quite simply the solution is "choose to be happy".
Remember the half full/half empty glass scenario. Which do you normally choose? Bright or dark? Up or down? Good or bad? Depressed or happy?
A very simple test is to frown and try to smile. Then smile in the mirror and try to be depressed.. …You can’t do it.
So why do we not choose to be happy? And what does money have to do with happiness?
Next time…
Coach Miami