Die a lot.

Are you afraid of death? I guess a lot of people are. There are  lot of things people are afraid of – poverty, criticism, illness etc – but death ranks up there pretty high.

Here is the cure. Die a lot.

If you think about it, we die every second. The past is dead isn’t it? (Well it should be anyway!) The cool thing is each of us has the ability to create our lives all the time so dying should be a great opportunity to let go the past and create something new. A better, different, exciting future!

You see, if you did not know it you and I have that power. It is a power given only to us humans. We can create whatever we want. Not only that but we have been given the tools to understand and apply in a step by step method.

They are all around us!  

So my suggestion is celebrate death every possible second while realizing we can never really die, it is just that we are letting go all the stuff we don’t need any more to make room for the new!

I’m excited!

Do what you love so you jump out of bed every morning!

 This is an interesting story I hope you can appreciate as much as I do!

A young man of 28 came to me a few weeks ago for coaching as he has been laid off. Actually he had been terminated for reasons that were explained to him had something to do with lack of job performance.

He was understandably upset, and a bit lost. You see, he had worked for this one person/company for the last ten years, since he was eighteen, only taking time off to attend college for a bachelors degree in the trade in which he worked.

The dismissal was a complete surprise and shock to say the least. There had been no prior warnings and he had believed he was contributing to the overall health and benefit of the company.

Just to enable you to see the whole picture, he had just bought a house, was paying for a truck and his savings were -well can we say they were not!

Are you with me?

He wanted help figuring out what to do. He had never looked for a job and had no clue where to start.

I am almost to the point! Stay with me!

The first question I asked him was: What do you want to do?
The first assignment I gave him was to go to http://www.ncsu.edu/careerkey/you/ and take the free evaluation.

Next I asked that he find answers to the following statements.

Choose your ideal work environment-large corporation, small business, government agency or nonprofit organization.

Choose your ideal location-urban, suburban or rural.

List your three most useful job skills and know which is your strongest.

Know whether you want to work with people, data or things.

Know if you want to work with others or work alone.

Know whether you enjoy new projects or prefer following a regular routine.

List some of the main career areas which might interest you.

List your favorite leisure time activities.

Know what kind of reward is most important to you in a job-money, security, creative authority, etc

It turns out that this young man, who has a BS in Construction Management , and who has spent the last ten years of his life working in that profession has realized that he would love to be the photographer for the San Diego Chargers!

He is very clear about his wants. He can (and has) explained why he wants this, how he is going to get it and how long it will take him. He is excited and can not wait to get out of bed in the morning.

He is addressing his financial concerns to trim expenses and enable pursuit of his goal.

When asked why he never did it before, he said – I did not know I could!

And finally we come to my point.  Are you doing what you want to do?
Life was not meant for us to work to get by. Nor to work just to put bread on the table. Life was meant to do the things that excite you, things that make you spring out of bed in the morning, things that make the days fly by. When you are doing this, everything else will work out.

I ask that you too, find the answers to the above questions. Take the free survey.

Hoping you jump out of bed in the morning!

Doing what you love is important!

 If you are not doing what you love to do, why are you doing it?

Tomorrow I will tell a true story that will interest you, and show you the power of doing what you love, as well as the pain of not doing what you love!

Happiness is not an accident nor is it lucky

I’m getting behind. No doubt about it! But I’m happy about that too!

This last week I have been focusing on getting an 1100 sf apartment finished over the barn so we can get that rental coming in every month plus have someone around the stables so we can be more comfortable leaving for a while. I am also putting finishing touches on the 1100 sf conference room so I can begin to market the summer Teen and Adult BeDoHave Leadership Courses.

Don’t be Unhappy with Me Please!

I know I have promised something good and we are also working on that! It takes a Lot of learning and practicing to get it right. Can’t be introducing something half baked can I?

Big horse show tomorrow! We take 8-10 of our students all who are doing their best to qualify for the state show in the fall.

Back to work here on Sunday!
See you then!


Something cool is coming!

Spring is here and I have been working like crazy! The proverbial sap in the tree is running full strength and I seem to have limitless energy!

This is good for you!

If you are not aware I have been helping people improve all areas of life as a professional Coach since 1999.  This includes all areas – financial, emotional, and energetic. In reality most of the coaching I do is geared toward helping people achieve one major thing – happiness.

Happiness allows for all things to be perfect! With happiness comes joy. When you have joy everything fits! Income, partnerships, challenges all seem to be completely manageable. Remeber ‘Don’t worry, be happy’?

It works. I know because I am happy! Life is perfect and getting better every day!

I want that for you!

And now I figured a way to help you get it.

It is coming soon. It won’t cost you an arm and a leg. It will cost you some effort. What would you do to be happy all the time? How much effort would you be willing to invest?

If I showed you the path and helped you all along the way would you walk it?

It is coming soon!
Get ready!

Stay tuned!


More on being thankful and gratitude

There is a common thread in everything I have read on how to improve your life, your outlook on life, and your success in life.  That thread is:

Give thanks and be appreciative for what you already have!

We work hard in our family to impress this on our children and ourselves every day. We are so wonderfully blessed to be here to begin with. As you add the truths that we have family that love us (in their own inimitable way), food on the table, a roof over our heads and our health – we are way ahead of the rest of the world!

Now we can be grateful for the extras in our lives. We are able to choose where we live, who we associate with, (and who we do not). We have access to libraries, health care, and recreational facilities. There are people paid to watch out and protect us, help is available for the asking, and people to maintain our environment.

There are those who work 24/7/365 to ensure we live in a country where we are free to speak our mind, go and live where ever we choose and enjoy all the other liberties granted by living in an advanced society. (I have been to places this was not so!)

I am blessed to have been able to freely choose my method of earning an income, for the most part doing the things that I am passionate about. Now more than ever, I enjoy a lifestyle and home environment few have the privilege to know.

I am thankful as well for my continuing education and experiences that make me aware of where I have been and where I am going – and how to get there.

Last but not least, I am thankful for you, for you are part of that present and future. You are part of my education, experience and environment. You are part of the reason I enjoy today and eagerly look forward to tomorrow.  Thank you.

As you talk this week with your family and friends, let them know how much they mean to you. Send a warm thank you to those who are not there – those you know and those you knew. I promise you they will get your message!