Our last post was the written story – now here it is in video. We have heard that some like the videos – ad they are a lot of fun to make (and easy) but harder to get uploaded.
We hope you enjoy them!
First up – sunrise in Beaufort SC!
Little Cumberland is just south of Jekyll Island and just north of Cumberland Island where the old Carnegie place is.
This video was from last year just to show you what Cumberland itself looks like!
We spent New Years 2016 in Fernandina on Amelia Island so we could ww the dropping of the lighted shrimp!
Coming into Jupiter inlet just above Palm Beach is always nice as we know we are entering “south Florida’. The water is now much clearer, and we start to see the big houses and big boats. We know we are getting into warm sunny weather (we hope!)
We went outside to the ocean at Palm Beach in flat calm and 5 hours later we were getting pounded by 20 knot south winds and short stumpy seas on the bow. Ryan and Shelly rode the bow like a ride for a while!
This is the same video posted a couple days ago – but it fits here as well. Can you tell I uploaded this in HD? I only wish you could have seen the colors and felt the air, and had the feeling we had while this was being filmed!
The sun came up over Biscayne Bay about an hour later. It was so amazing and I cannot even capture it on the video. As the sun came up the outer edges of the clouds lit up like LED lights. To add some effect I sped up the video by 2 and added one of my favorite songs! You have to appreciate sunrises and CS&N to watch the whole thing!
And finally – here is Ian playing for the Marathon crowd last year!
We have this idea of the Florida Keys as warm and sunny. Surely one would be out lying on the beach soaking up the sun laughing at all those people getting warmly dressed to clear the snow and ice from their windshields to go to work!
It just ain’t that way!
Since we got here Jan 11 the wind has not stopped blowing! Cold fronts pass through regularly with the winds going from SE to a gusty 20 mph south then on to a near SSW gale at 30, to end up out of the N at 15-20 with cold air whistling all around as we dingy the dog a mile in to walk twice a day!
It is still better than clearing ice off the windshield!
We left Beaufort just before Christmas for the days sail to Savannah to leave the boat before renting a car to go meet the boys at Shelly’s mom’s house in the mountains of western NC.
Shelly and I stopped in Atlanta for the first time since selling High Country Stables in Nov 2013. We were able to have two separate get togethers with old friends and Shelly’s former riding students and a good time was had by all!
Once we made it to Marion and started unpacking Shelly asked where the ‘other’ bag of gifts was? It took just a few minutes to realize that a bag of presents containing small funny gifts with $250 in $20 bills for each son had gotten thrown in the trash can in the marina in Savannah two days previously in Savannah. Uh-oh.
All turned out well as the yard manager found the bag the following morning after frantic phone messages and was able to UPS it in time for Christmas! Whew!
A week later we were back in the yard and launching Yume with new bottom paint and were under way heading south with simply amazing weather.
The first night found us anchored in St Catherine Sound (after passing the island where we lost GOOSE almost exactly a year before) and a nice long walk on a strange beach with lots of dead trees.
In beautiful weather we dropped anchor the next afternoon in Fernandina Beach FL to enjoy some family time.
Amelia Island is one of our favorite places and after hearing the New Years including the dropping of the ‘lighted shrimp’ of course we had to stay until the following days festivities!
After that exciting evening we ran for a full day to St Augustine where we would hang out for a few days before Ian had to fly back to Albuquerque. We were very lucky to get the closest mooring to the Bridge of Lyons and the dinghy docks as the weather starting turning wet, windy and chilly!
We drove Ian to the airport in Jacksonville on the 3rd and left on the 4th for the Keys! With the wind out of the north and blowing we flew south. From St Augustine to Titusville to meet up our crazy Australian friend Gary. Then on to meet with friends Joe and Sue who we had not seen in 30 years. These great friends had introduced us to the Bahamas while cruising in tandem a long time ago!
Up early out of Vero Beach and all the way to Palm Beach and Lake Worth to meet up with Dave and Mary on Luck of a Fool – friends from the Keys two years previous.
We like our friends but it was nice to head out the Palm Beach channel to sea the next morning at dawn knowing we did not have to meet anyone for a few days!
What started as a beautiful flat calm dawn turned into south winds at 25 mph and a rough sea by the time we made it to Port Everglades so we tucked back in there to get inside to Miami.
All the bridges (there is one about every two miles in this section!) opened perfectly for us and we made Miami by late afternoon.
Let’s leave us here in south Miami at anchorage knowing we are leaving early in the morning for the Keys and we will pick this story up very soon accompanied with all the video!
It has been a blustery, rainy, yukky few days to start our 3rd winter in Marathon in the Fl keys…
But it is still a heck of a lot better than the 29 degrees in DC!
We are way behind in everything internet as we have pushed hard since Beaufort to get here so Ryan could have a few weeks before we turn around and head back north.
Everyone is waiting on me to go in to shore (especially Goose!) but I wanted to get something out this morning.
This video was shot about a week ago as we picked up the anchor and headed south out of Miami Beach into Biscayne Bay and on down the keys. From here we are two days from Marathon but the water is clear, the winds are balmy and all is right with the world!
Well first off we sure could use some help figuring this golf fundraiser thing. We might have stepped in it this time!
If you know anyone in Beaufort – or anyone who might be interested in helping wounded veterans, or service dogs, check out this page and all the sponsor opportunities! (Hint – suggest your friends and family give the gift of a donation in your name to paws4vets this year!)
Check it out at http://paws4people.org/golf or click here…
We took a bunch of videos on the trip down.
Roll the film!
First we were pleasantly surprised by a Christmas Boat Parade when we anchored for the night in Morehead City NC.
Then here we are coming down the Waccamaw River in the morning headed for Georgetown SC.
And visiting a really cool island just north of Charleston…
And last – coming into the Coosaw River just north of Beaufort earlier today!
We will hang around Beaufort iuntil Tuesday or Wednesday, then move on down to Savanna Ga to leave the boat, rent a car and go to Asheville for Christmas with the boys and Sally (Grammy) – then back to the boat with the boys for a week of sailing