For the Opportunity Seekers…

I have watched (and participated in) the ‘opportunity seeking’ described below by Seth Godin.

It is too easy in our fast paced life to think there is a shortcut.

(Reprinted for

Get rich quick

As long as there have been people who want to get rich, there have been get rich quick schemes. The guys who sell mailing lists have a name for people who buy these schemes: “opportunity seekers.” (more…)

Why Change Your Life?

This is a video I did when was giving away my ebook years ago.

I’ll still send it you… send me an email.

BTW – the self improvement site is no longer published…

The story of Be – Do – Have.

Change My Life Now!

Just in case you are not aware of this – I have been writing articles, blog posts, and copy for websites for a long time.

I looked up last week (metaphysically speaking) and realized I have spread myself very thin while attempting to maintain several different idea and projects at once.

What has happened is I now have too many blogs to maintain, with too many different things to focus on.

This must be changed. The more I learn about self development and online marketing (which are my two main focuses) the more I think they can be combined into one area. Then of course we have a horse farm as well. Don’t know how that will fit but we’ll figure it out!

My goal is to do just that. I need one place to talk about both.

It will be very interesting to see just how this plays out because as of now I have not a clue how to go about it!

Change Your Life – 1 Decision At A Time

After a week of low temperatures in the 13-17 degree range we enjoyed a t-shirt day yesterday with the high of 65!

It seemed as if the sun was shining right down on me (it was!) and all the birds were singing. I could hear Spring coming and my spirits soared!

And then I thought “Why can’t every day be just like this?”

It can. All you have to do is choose it!

But why would you?

Think about this carefully. If every day was perfect – you would not know it as there would be no measurement. We must experience the 15 degree weather to appreciate fully the 65 degree days!

My thought for the day (before I head out for the 70 degrees today!) is to appreciate every day – no matter what it brings you.

Because gratitude brings amazing things to your life…