Tutorial on happiness (Day 3)

We continue with the tutorial on happiness. As I watch for signs of
happiness around me, I find more and more it is a matter of opening our
eyes to see clearly. And it really is that


(planting seed thoughts)

Our mind can be likened to the image of a garden. We are planting seed thoughts in the conscious mind. With repetition they will sink down into the soil of our subconscious mind. Once there, just as the germination of a seed comes about through warmth from the sun, so nurturing our affirmation with conviction, i.e. faith, love, knowing, commences the process of growth.At this stage using the imagination will let us see the blossoming of our desires, the oak in the acorn, the flower in the seed. With continued repetition of the affirmation the growth of our seed-thought will move in the direction of form, just as the seedling reaches for the sun.The law of the Mind is such that what we plant in our mind is precisely what we shall reap. Here it is essential to be specific because the subconscious has no choice but to obey the instruction we have given it. With affirmations this immense power is at our disposal, so we must use it wisely.We have the choice, then, to cultivate or ignore the garden of our mind. Either way we can expect the harvest to reflect our efforts in that direction.

Affirmations: Planting seed thought into the subconscious mind

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Tutorial on Happiness Day 2

I just love this tutorial. And I am continually amazed at the wonder of the Internet as a communication tool!


Find the whole series here. http://www.mind-control-method.com/day_2___balloon__.html

Balloon (releasing fears and doubts)

When we begin affirming something in our life to be true, our subconscious may react to the new suggestion by presenting us with a reason why this is not so. This is to be encouraged and seenas a clearing process in which we only have to let go of any fears and doubts. We need simply to observe all thoughts as they enter into our awareness, regardless of their content. A proportion of these thoughts will be of the everyday kind.As the affirmation takes root and increasingly gains the acceptanceof our subconscious, we experience an increased number of encouraging, positive, thoughts. This is a clear indication that the process is moving in the right direction.

Affirmation – releasing fears and doubts

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An argument for happiness!

I read an viewpoint/counterpoint in the Atlanta Journal this morning where a left leaning writer said there was no such thing as happiness and quoted someone saying we would be better off if we forgot it! Thankfully, there was a rebuttal from a right leaning writer who completely demolished that argument with a clear explanation of happiness and joy – and how to find it. Best summed up by this part:

“Instead, let me quote from one of Diane’s “mass opiates” — the Bible.
Sitting chained in jail, the Apostle Paul told the Philippians to
“rejoice” in everything. How? “Fix your thoughts on what is true and
honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and
admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
….How grateful I am…I have learned how to get along happily whether I
have much or little.”

In other words: choose to focus on the positive, and your feelings will follow.

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A tutorial on Happiness (1)

What a cool site on happiness! Here the authors have provided a great little short tutorial on happiness that is killer! (Excuse the terminolgy please)

I will post each of these here, but the link is

Energy (composition of our universe)

Metaphysicians and many people in the scientific world are now in some agreement over the composition of our universe, seeing it as a field of energy, a force field. On one level we perceive the many manifestations of form and differentiate between them, not seeing the underlying field common to them all. Seeing solidity of form, diamond, gold, etc., at one end of the spectrum, and thought, colour, towards the other. In fact they differ only in their rate of vibration i.e. the frequency at which they exist. The denser the material the lower its vibratory rate or frequency. Conversely, finer forms, i.e. colours, and thoughts are examples of successively higher rates of vibration.

Form is always preceded by a thought or idea, a building is first conceived in the mind of the architect. Manifestation at this frequency, i.e. a thought, is more easily changed than at lower rates of vibration, i.e. a rock. By consciously directing our thoughts we become an architect able to shape thought into the desired form. Affirmations provide us with powerful tools which we can use in this process.

Thoughts and feelings have certain vibratory rates about them which will attract thoughts of a similar wavelength. As an example; you might have been thinking about someone and shortly thereafter receive a phone call from that person. The energy of your thoughts has attracted a reciprocal wavelength. By holding positive thoughts of a loving nature we will attract into our life people and events to support our positive expectations. Affirmations are an excellent way to enhance this process.

This is clearly illustrated in the biblical advice ‘’…as you sow, so shall you reap.’’ When we make a conscious practice of this in a positive manner we will reap a harvest of like quality.

Energy – composition of our universe

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Be Do Have is the key to happiness!

An informal survey (by me) revealed an interesting

I asked close everybody I spoke to (even strangers) if they
had enough time. If they had enough time I asked if they had enough money.

Most said they had neither enough time nor money. A few (very few) had
time but no money. Even fewer had enough money.

Then I asked if they knew anyone who had enough time and money. One person could name three people, but I do not think he knew them very well. He was one of the few who knew

My wife named three people. All were retired. All had worked the same jobs most of their lives and had paid for their homes. One was her grandmother of 93, one was a single man of 84 andthe other was a couple in their late 60’s that lived in the same place all their lives.

Ouch! Can this be true? Do the majority of people not have time and money until they
retire? Which brings up this question. Is it OK to have time and no money? Or is
it OK to have money but no time?

Are we spending (literally) our whole lives after time and money with little possibility of reaching that goal until late in our lives?

Why am I even writing only a step this? What is the point? Does it even matter that we seem to dogging time and money our whole lives?

One thing that comes to mind is our kids. You know, the grandchildren that are growing up to lead the world, and solve the problems we are leaving to them. What are we teaching them by our actions? We aren’t teaching them much directly now we are too busy!

Maybe I write this out of guilt. How many times have I told my boys I am too busy to listen,
play, talk, watch a movie, read a book, and go outside or a thousand other things kids want to do?

Or maybe this is the same thing that attracts me so powerfully to the BeDoHave formula.

I have said that most people are Doing something to Have stuff so they can Be somebody. This is the formula we have been conditioned to give thumbs up since forward we were born by our
parents, peers, promotion and entertainment. DoHaveBe.

Do you see how we can never have enough stuff to be somebody as things go there is frequently more stuff to have? Under this formula we are scrambling, using all our time to earn
money so we can buy stuff. Are we not using our time and money in order to be somebody? The big question is when are we going to be somebody? When will we have enough stuff?

Let’s turn the formula clockwise to BeDoHave. I think that might be the cure!

First we work on the human being ourselves. Who are you? Be that person first. Next we find what it is we love to do. Do that with passion and joy. Give it everything you got!

Then comes the more difficult part. We must have faith in the Universal Energy that when you Be who you are and you Do what you love that you will Have what you will need.
I think the people who do have enough time and enough money arefollowing the BeDoHave formula.

And that is why I wrote the book BeDoHave – or Find Happiness Now!


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