Leaving Ain’t Easy!

Leaving Ain’t Easy!

I have spent half a day trying to separate myself from the land. It is extremely frustrating.

I bought a chromebook (Samsung) which is pretty cool as almost everything I do for paws4people foundation is online and on google, and that with my mini ipad should work as an office!

Phone service will be sketchy at best (does Tmobile work offshore?) so the plan is to port the phones to google voice and use skype or google hangouts to communicate.

But setting up these machines to communicate is not a walk in the park.

I have spent hours just trying to get Feedburner to work on the blog. (Another google product. Hmm do I see pattern here?)

All this just to test the feed!

And then to bed! (Wish I could hear the sound of the water rippling against the hull as it rocks me to sleep!)

Meet Goose on Sailing Yume

Meet Goose on Sailing Yume

Sailor Service Dog GOOSE

GOOSE is a 2 year old Aussie/Shepard mix.  He is a paws4vets demo Service Dog and just plain awesome.  Luckily, GOOSE likes being on the boat, now we just have to figure out where he will poop 🙂 As we travel we plan on training and doing seminars for paws4people.  Life is good, especially, when you have a great companion on those long, cold, nights.

Finishing up details

Finishing up details

We are back on the farm (not ours anymore!) finishing the details. Packing up what little we have not already moved to YuMe. Cleaning and getting rid of all the stuff we can’ take.

Some of this kills me. Things we paid hundreds if not thousands of dollars we give away or sell for peanuts. Shelly tells me it is just stuff and let it go. Easy for her to say!

Then there is the fun of dealing with the ‘companies’. Tmobile wants to charge me $800 for canceling a contract after I have been with them 15 years. Nice.  Doing my best to wipe my tracks clean!

Helping the new owners get familiar with running a horse farm has been fun. Each task I do for them (take a load to the dump) is great as it is the last time. The guy at the dump yesterday asked if we were moving when he saw what we were throwing away and when I told him we bought a boat – he said ” I heard about you! You had that horse farm right?” I guess we are locally famous… at the dump anyway 😉

Another interesting project is moving from a desktop of 15 years to an ipad mini and a chromebook. Cleaning off my computer is a trip down memory lane but it is fun deleting all that crap I have been meaning to get to! Liberating sort of!

10 days and counting until we are back on YuMe and can start that new life! Here is what our new car looks like! See it hanging on the stern?


Time to start…

Time to start…

We have been here since Monday and we never want to leave.

Since it took 17 years to make it back after we sold our last boat NAIAD, maybe you can understand how we feel. Even Ryan is getting into it.

All of us have been working hard – first just cleaning and going through all the stuff the previous owner left, then unloading the truckful of our stuff and hauling it onto the boat.

We are sort of settled in but have to leave in the morning and won’t be back for two weeks as we have commitments. Whose dumb idea was that?

Hang around some and we will get better at updates.

We are off to wilmington in the morning for the annual paws4people reunion, then back to the farm to help the new owners!

Then back here to start practicing sailing and boat maneuvers so we can ready to head outta here!

Needed: wifi booster for the main mast!