We are done with the boat
in Seabrook Texas and back to the grind! 😉
Up with the sunlight – 530 or 6. Tea or coffee depending on your lifetime habits. Give the dog a cookie. Browse the crap on the internet and get angry wishing you could get even. Drink one of Shelly’s awesome breakfast shakes (and a piece of toast if she has made bread lately! – yum!)
One of us takes the dog for a run (or walk or bike depending on the knee that day) while the other does yoga. (I love to watch her do yoga!)
Then pack up. She is inside and I am outside. Trinkets down, clean up, cabinets latched, slides in. Outside the awning gets rolled up, chairs put away, truck backed up and hitched, electric, sewer and water lines off and stowed.
Get Goose into the truck and away we go! A couple or three hours and find a state or national park that hopefully has some surprises like great trails or something historical.
It’s routine now. Just the way we live!
First day back on the road after an extended stay is always a treat. Three weeks in Seabrook getting the 37 foot donated boat running and sold seemed a long time, but really in the scheme of things? Probably not.
We did get the boat running fairly well and we did get her sold. Not for a lot – but enough to allow The FEW to help more warriors. I know a lot more about 454 GM engines than before!
We did not get far the first day. After the morning of helping new owners of the boat with a little familiarity session, we drove about 30 miles north for a Chick Fil A lunch with Maureen and daughter Marley before rounding Galveston Bay to the north and east through Port Arthur to Sea Rim State Park. They did not have an RV spot but we could stay on the beach for $10. OK!
Here is the wild part. If you have been with us you might remember a few years back where we almost lost Goose to wild pigs on an island off the Georgia coast? Great reading story here if I say so myself. Made myself cry all over again re-reading it.
Well, here we are on this beach all by ourselves and guess what comes out of the seagrass to say hello to Goose? Yep – a wild pig bigger than he was! He barked but decided he wanted nothing to do with that pig! You have to wonder if (and what) he remembers. We certainly remember!
From Sea Rim, we wandered back roads through coastal Texas seeing old hurricane damage, very small villages still making a living from the sea, and every now and then a helicopter area providing oil rig deliveries with people and supplies.
As we passed the ports like Port Arthur, New Orleans and Mobile, the tankers, ships and tugs were everywhere. We also see this in the RV parks as many of the employees for these companies live with their families in RV’s like ours. Except they are more like mobile homes that never move. (And often a little bit trashy!)
Can you see in the mirror? I am passing a huge oil tanker in the right lane!
We did get a few hours in New Orleans and the French Quarter (which was plenty). It was different – loud, dirty, smelly, crowded (even in off season) – but still interesting. Good to visit but…
So we make our way towards Valdosta Ga and Thanksgiving with the boys. It is an event to look forward to! Then on to Florida and the Hatteras again.
Then what? We don’t know! But I’ll tell you when we find out! 😉