BeDoHave works if you will only let it…

I took up soccer at 50. Basically, I needed to learn the game to be able to coach my son’s team.

Playing on a team and being physical active again has brought several opportunities my way (besides the physical workouts!). One is the ability to meet new people!

Last week we played a tournament and a fellow player joined me for the 90 minute ride to the fields.

During the conversations when I asked him his profession, he at first said “You don’t want to know”, and when I assured him I did he told me about his job as an IRS auditor.

I could hear in his voice that it was pretty much a job for him and asked if he liked it.

As often happens he said it was Ok and afforded he and his family a decent living.

Then came the statement that always make my mind reel. He said “All I have to do is hang in 13 more years and I can retire with a pretty good pension.”

I can’t tell you how often I have heard this, and how much it tears me up to hear it.

In my humble opinion, we only have one life to live and people that ‘hang in’ doing something they are not passionate about just to ‘have a decent living’ drive me crazy!

If we only have one life to live, why in the world would anyone want to make a living instead of living their lives?

You have heard me say over and over again BE who you are – Do what you love and the Universe will make sure you have exactly what you need.

I just hope nothing happens to my friend in the next 13 years to stop that pension!



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How do you be happy without any reason?

This question came to me from the blog and here is the answer I sent back. Comments?

You asked about finding happiness without any reason…

I think this is a great question and one I will answer on the blog, but I also try to answer questions individually when I can.

My question back to you would be “Why do you need a reason to be happy?”

I believe happiness is an inside job. (I’ll bet you might have heard that before.)

What this means is that happiness comes not from things that happen to us, stuff we get, or people we like but from somewhere inside us that knows happiness is a choice we make.

For instance, if someone hit you on the head you are probably going to react. You might be angry – or emotionally hurt – or happy. (Of course this is a silly example but the meaning is the same…)

The key is most people react subconciously when we have the power to react with full consciousness of our actions.

You could be happy about it if you wanted to. Does that make sense?

So if you could choose to be happy about being hit on the head – what else could you choose to be happy about?


Of course we don’t – but we could.

There is much more to be said. I suggest you start with the free ebook you got for registering. Read it –  do the exercises and define success and your values. Then begin to live to those definitions.

I think you will pleasantly surprised at the results.

And choose to be happy as much as you can.

Does this help?

Best regards,


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How about giving a different kind of gift this year?

If you have been reading anything I have written over the last several months you know there is a massive project underway.

Well, events have sort of forced me to move the launch date up!

You are the first to hear about it – and to have first chance at it.

You are also the person who will tell me whether I am crazy, how you like it, how it affects you (if any) and whether it is interesting to you or anyone you know. (more…)

Happiness is being grateful

Happy Thanksgiving! Did you see the goofed post last week? That is what happens when you send too many emails to too many different people. I apologize and hope you at least got a laugh wondering if I had lost it!

In a way I have. (more…)

Being happy definitely depends on you…

A wise person once said, it is far more important that you are a person who is becoming, then, what you are earning. Meaning that a person should work toward becoming wealthy, not for the money, but because of who they will become in achieving the goal. (more…)