Find happiness in politics


After all the hype in elections and election day, John Carlton at provides a refreshing point of view you might enjoy.

You know I love this nation. But I have no illusions that it’s “the people” who make it great. “The people”, in fact, often act like spoiled children or Huns with their blood-lust fired up.No. It’s the Constitution that makes our country great. (more…)

Find happiness in the most simple things

For me last week was one of those I am very happy to get out of! As I have said before, without knowing the challenges how can I know the rewards? Lots of rewards coming!

I have mentioned a project slowly working it’s way to you (started several years go) and I have some news on that front. (more…)

Find happiness in a computer

Who thought you could find happiness in a computer?

Not me. Not until my laptop started dying last week. A computer can definately bring frustration (and fascination) when all of your business comes screeching to a halt.

Building an internet based business means spending a great deal of time online. There are blog posts, newsletters, autoresponders, email to answer, accounting, etc… (more…)

Build happiness and they will come!

Did you see the movie Field of Dreams? If not, you should go get it!

The story involves a family in the midwest who cut down their corn crop, almost lose the house to the bank, lose all their friends – all to build a baseball field in the middle of nowhere because of a vision the father has.

Of course, in the movie, the end is – well I guess you should see the movie! HA!

The most important idea that came out of the teleclass last night on making your business grow was a principle that is simple in theory, possibly difficult in practice and similar to this movie – build it and they will come.. (more…)

Finding happiness in dreams

Do you have 20,000 helpers? That is how many men the Inca civilization utilized to move one single block of the tens of thousands of blocks that built the monuments still available to be seen two thousand years later.

How many friends do you have to help you?

As each of us searches for ways to build our dreams sometimes the challenges seem insurmountable. At times it appears we are going backwards faster than forwards. One step up two steps back right? Where is all our help? (more…)

Find happiness on Friday!

I was talking yesterday with someone who said they could not wait for Friday.

This is such a sad thing to hear.

Why in the world would anyone in their right mind consciously choose to participate in a life where they do not want to be five out of every seven days?

Does this not seem patently absurd?

It is so easy for me to make that decision. I simply have to ask myself – “How many Springs do I have left? (more…)