by miami | Sep 19, 2006
In this great article by Daegen Smith of, he(she?) does an outstanding job of relating personal growth to success – however you define it.
For the last 7 or 8 years my passion has evolved to being very focused on helping people with personal growth/personal development through coaching, teleseminars, articles etc.
I realized pretty quickly personal growth builds the foundation for happiness. Some believe success comes before happiness, but I disagree. (And from personal experience no less!)
Happiness has to be first, or the success can leave a sour taste. What about lottery winners? Are they successful? Are they happy? Yea – but for how long?
I encourage you to read this article!
Personal growth is so important for it allows you to understand what is important to you, it allows you to recognize your weaknesses and face them, and it permits you to strive for balance while opening other door towards recognizing your personal strengths and weaknesses…
Why Personal Growth is SO Lucrative
What do you think?
Had a great time in San Diego at the internet marketing conference put on by Ed Dale and Frank Kern of Underachievers and the Thirty Day Challenge.
Back to work!
technorati tags:happiness, find+happiness, personal+growth, personal+development, success, Frank+Kern, Ed+Dale, Balance
by miami | Aug 30, 2006
I know this has been quite the long post but I for one have really enjoyed it! These folks have taken the things I have written about and talked about for years and condensed it into 12 short introductions.
Here are the last two!
See them all here!
Leave it to Me (the true self)
Dwelling inside each one of us is the True Self, and its opposite the false self. To all intents and purposes we may say that they are two separate beings, and it is very important that we are aware of this.
When we function from the True Self we experience greater happiness, fulfillment, and effortless action in all areas of our life. When the false self is in control we are more likely to experience frustration, emptiness, and negativity.
The True Self is the essence of who we are, and when functioning in our life, lets us express the full range of positive emotions, and at the same time experience great joy in our life.
It is the real you, that deep down you, you’ve always known yourself to be. It is always with you, though at times it may appear to be veiled from you by the false self. Once you have experienced the True Self, an inner desire to return will become active in your life.
Any time that we feel separated from our True Self the following procedure will aid in our reconnection. Take a few full, deep, abdominal breaths. Pause after each breath for a count of four seconds. On each exhalation, relax and let go of any concerns that you might have. Become aware of any muscular tension and simply allow it to dissolve. This leads us to a state of stillness and inner calm.
Leave it to Me – Let go and trust your true self
Comfort Zone (stretch your boundaries)
Our comfort zone conforms directly to the imagined image that we have of ourselves, i.e. our self-image. It is important to realise that it is only imaginary: an illusion.
The foundation of the illusion was laid down in our infancy and while allowed to go unchallenged will continue to exert a powerful influence over us.
Awareness of this allows us to choose techniques, such as repeating an affirmation, to expand that self-image. In expanding it, those actions formerly performed outside of the comfort zone become easier and there is a noticeable reduction in “negative” stress. This will also stretch the boundary of the comfort zone itself, letting us experience many new possibilities where we can perform more efficiently as well as more effectively.
Comfort Zone – Learning to stretch your boundaries
Here & Now (being in the moment, happiness right now)
To feel fully alive to our experience it is necessary to be aware of the present moment. True happiness is born in this moment.
If you experience separation from this moment, this is the time to practise “presence of mind” (i.e. awareness of being present, here in this moment). This will reconnect you with your inner power, your true state. Simply become aware of your sensations, surroundings. Becoming aware will anchor us in the here and now. Our lives are formed from the thoughts we think in the present. By focusing on this point and affirming from it we empower our thoughts into existence.
If you are not experiencing happiness right now, you are contemplating the future, or replaying the past. Practice presence of mind for positive results.
Be Here & Now – being in the moment, happiness right now
technorati tags:happiness, tutorial, self, comfort, yin, yang
by miami | Aug 28, 2006
Obviously happiness is something I think about a lot. Since I write about it, talk about it and people pay me to coach them on it you would think I would know something about it. I do, but I am always learning more – and wanting to learn more!
Here is something I really want to know – are you happy?
Would you just let me know on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being perfect happiness how you feel generally about your happiness level?
Then I would like to start a discussion on what makes one happy.
For me doing what I love helps me stay happy. I also believe – as weird as this sounds – making sure I am not unhappy keeps me happy!
I’ll look for your input.
by miami | Aug 24, 2006
What a cool site on happiness! Here the authors have provided a great little short tutorial on happiness that is killer! (Excuse the terminolgy please)
I will post each of these here, but the link is

Energy (composition of our universe)
Metaphysicians and many people in the scientific world are now in some agreement over the composition of our universe, seeing it as a field of energy, a force field. On one level we perceive the many manifestations of form and differentiate between them, not seeing the underlying field common to them all. Seeing solidity of form, diamond, gold, etc., at one end of the spectrum, and thought, colour, towards the other. In fact they differ only in their rate of vibration i.e. the frequency at which they exist. The denser the material the lower its vibratory rate or frequency. Conversely, finer forms, i.e. colours, and thoughts are examples of successively higher rates of vibration.
Form is always preceded by a thought or idea, a building is first conceived in the mind of the architect. Manifestation at this frequency, i.e. a thought, is more easily changed than at lower rates of vibration, i.e. a rock. By consciously directing our thoughts we become an architect able to shape thought into the desired form. Affirmations provide us with powerful tools which we can use in this process.
Thoughts and feelings have certain vibratory rates about them which will attract thoughts of a similar wavelength. As an example; you might have been thinking about someone and shortly thereafter receive a phone call from that person. The energy of your thoughts has attracted a reciprocal wavelength. By holding positive thoughts of a loving nature we will attract into our life people and events to support our positive expectations. Affirmations are an excellent way to enhance this process.
This is clearly illustrated in the biblical advice ‘’…as you sow, so shall you reap.’’ When we make a conscious practice of this in a positive manner we will reap a harvest of like quality.
Energy – composition of our universe
technorati tags:happiness, energy, growth, thoughts
by miami | Aug 24, 2006
An informal survey (by me) revealed an interesting
I asked close everybody I spoke to (even strangers) if they
had enough time. If they had enough time I asked if they had enough money.
Most said they had neither enough time nor money. A few (very few) had
time but no money. Even fewer had enough money.
Then I asked if they knew anyone who had enough time and money. One person could name three people, but I do not think he knew them very well. He was one of the few who knew
My wife named three people. All were retired. All had worked the same jobs most of their lives and had paid for their homes. One was her grandmother of 93, one was a single man of 84 andthe other was a couple in their late 60’s that lived in the same place all their lives.
Ouch! Can this be true? Do the majority of people not have time and money until they
retire? Which brings up this question. Is it OK to have time and no money? Or is
it OK to have money but no time?
Are we spending (literally) our whole lives after time and money with little possibility of reaching that goal until late in our lives?
Why am I even writing only a step this? What is the point? Does it even matter that we seem to dogging time and money our whole lives?
One thing that comes to mind is our kids. You know, the grandchildren that are growing up to lead the world, and solve the problems we are leaving to them. What are we teaching them by our actions? We aren’t teaching them much directly now we are too busy!
Maybe I write this out of guilt. How many times have I told my boys I am too busy to listen,
play, talk, watch a movie, read a book, and go outside or a thousand other things kids want to do?
Or maybe this is the same thing that attracts me so powerfully to the BeDoHave formula.
I have said that most people are Doing something to Have stuff so they can Be somebody. This is the formula we have been conditioned to give thumbs up since forward we were born by our
parents, peers, promotion and entertainment. DoHaveBe.
Do you see how we can never have enough stuff to be somebody as things go there is frequently more stuff to have? Under this formula we are scrambling, using all our time to earn
money so we can buy stuff. Are we not using our time and money in order to be somebody? The big question is when are we going to be somebody? When will we have enough stuff?
Let’s turn the formula clockwise to BeDoHave. I think that might be the cure!
First we work on the human being ourselves. Who are you? Be that person first. Next we find what it is we love to do. Do that with passion and joy. Give it everything you got!
Then comes the more difficult part. We must have faith in the Universal Energy that when you Be who you are and you Do what you love that you will Have what you will need.
I think the people who do have enough time and enough money arefollowing the BeDoHave formula.
And that is why I wrote the book BeDoHave – or Find Happiness Now!
technorati tags:happiness, money, time, doing, being
by miami | May 11, 2006
You can take really big steps!
Whatever it is you want to get done, just start. I tend to think too much about what I want accomplished. Sometimes I am even paralyzed by inaction becasue of overwhelm, or not knowing where to begin especially on big projects.
For instance right now as I work though the internet marketing ideas and learning curve I could be doing much more. But I keep learning and waiting for – what? Someone to help me? Do it for me? Sure!
Don’t wait. Jump into it with both feet and all your passion. The Universe will see that passion and dedication and provide help in ways you won’t believe.
Three years ago we bought ten acres of land with the dream of a horse farm. Today there are 14 horses in a large barn with a conference room and apartment over it for additional revenue. We are becoming known locally as ‘the place’ for lessons, camps and motivational seminars.
Why is this? Because we jumped in with passion and excitement and were rewarded for our efforts.
What is it that you want?