Happiness is a sunny, powder, ski day

Well, for me anyway happiness is a great ski day! Last week we took our planned mini vacation during the week.

It turned out to be a great couple of days to get away and get refreshed and spend time with family and friends.

Several things apply here in regards to happiness.

First, if we had not planned this trip during our annual planning session in January, we probably would not have gone. Somehow stuff always seems to come up right when you want to leave. If we had not booked the room, and cleared our calendars far in advance, it is very possible I would not be writing this post.

Is happiness planned? (more…)

Happiness in knowing where you are going

When we talk about BeDoHave and how following the formula will help you create the life you want, too many folks would like to believe creating is a passive verb.

Many would be upset if their lives have not changed by week two. After all have they not been meditating? Have they not been writing their wish lists on paper? Why hasn’t the Universe brought them everything they want like lots of money?

You and I know this is not the way it works!

To Have what you want (or need for that matter) the Universe works when you do. There is another crucial element in that the more specific you are in communicating your wants and dreams to the Universe the better an anwer you will receive.

That will bring us back to practical steps, like budgets and planning.

In our family we have completed our tax preparations and they are in the hands of the accountant. The budgets are completed for 2007 based on 2006 numbers plus the changes we want and expect. We have filled in our calendar for the year as much as possible including three vacations to different places we want to go.

We are in continuing discussions to create the life we will be living in one year, three years, five years.

If we don’t set the desired end destination now, how do we know what course to steer? We don’t.

Some would say such planning takes the fun out of the journey.

I disagree. I would much rather have planned for something I want to do, be working toward that end, and ask the Universe to help provide that result or something better. In that way we can always make changes in the direction opportunities bring to us.

The key is to be moving forward all the time. To have a vision of an outcome might be one of the most important tasks we can do for ourselves.

Once you have a vision, set a plan for obtaining it, set measurements or benchmarks so you know you are getting there, and reward yourself for your achievements!

Don’t forget that once you set all this in motion the Universe has no choice but to help you achieve it.

How cool is that?

Till next time,

Don’t worry, be happy!


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Financial happiness comes from internal happiness

Yesterday I was talking to a friend about happiness and money, and realized he did not understand a simple law of the Universe.

This law is as strong as gravity and you can no more ignore this law and be wealthy as you can jump off a tall building and fly!

Wealthy is not to be defined by the amount of money you have alone, money is certainly part of it, but there is much more to wealth. Wealth in relationships, wealth in health, wealth in happiness are all parts of being wealthy.

The law I refer to is this:

What you think about you attract.

In other words, you create your life by your thoughts.

What my friend could not understand is that his persistent dwelling on what he owed to others, how small was his income, the high costs of everything he wished to have – all these thoughts are telling the Universe to bring you more of the same. And the law is:

The Universe will bring you exactly what you think.

Today, pay close attention to your thoughts, and what you say, and do, and really begin to look at what you are asking for. Realize you are creating your life on a minute by minute basis with your thoughts and actions and ask “Am I happy with life I am creating?”

If wealth is a goal in your life, create in your mind, know that it will be a reality, and go about your life actively looking for the opportunities that will be placed in your path. When those opportunities arise, when your intuition says go!, when you get the feeling that says Do it! – take advantage of the Universal Law working in your favor.

Don’t worry, be happy!


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BeDoHave works if you will only let it…

I took up soccer at 50. Basically, I needed to learn the game to be able to coach my son’s team.

Playing on a team and being physical active again has brought several opportunities my way (besides the physical workouts!). One is the ability to meet new people!

Last week we played a tournament and a fellow player joined me for the 90 minute ride to the fields.

During the conversations when I asked him his profession, he at first said “You don’t want to know”, and when I assured him I did he told me about his job as an IRS auditor.

I could hear in his voice that it was pretty much a job for him and asked if he liked it.

As often happens he said it was Ok and afforded he and his family a decent living.

Then came the statement that always make my mind reel. He said “All I have to do is hang in 13 more years and I can retire with a pretty good pension.”

I can’t tell you how often I have heard this, and how much it tears me up to hear it.

In my humble opinion, we only have one life to live and people that ‘hang in’ doing something they are not passionate about just to ‘have a decent living’ drive me crazy!

If we only have one life to live, why in the world would anyone want to make a living instead of living their lives?

You have heard me say over and over again BE who you are – Do what you love and the Universe will make sure you have exactly what you need.

I just hope nothing happens to my friend in the next 13 years to stop that pension!



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