by miami | Nov 15, 2013
One of the true lessons in life is to really understand that every day cannot go perfectly as you would like.
In fact, we need 'bad' days to make the 'good' days appear good! And I believe every day is perfect.
I remembered this last night after heading for bed. The last few days we seem to be going backwards a bit.
First, while troubleshooting the generator, I realized the field windings were bad, meaning we do not have a generator for 110 power off the dock until we can get some where and some funds to tear the whole thing out of the hole and fix or find a used one. That round red piece with the electrical box is the generator… I have come to know it well…
Then I found the fresh water pump on the main engine had been spraying water all over everything for quite some time. They are very hard to find. I finally found one in Miami for only $280. That is the hole it goes in. Ryan and I are having tons of fun cleaning all the rust and grime off every part we can reach. His homeschooling includes diesel mechanic and electrical generation 101. The. Spray had reached the alternator which meant a replacement for another $150. (And since it is such a vital part it meant a spare as well!)z
Then in the middle of all that our new wifi extender system stopped access to the internet. We could see the internet was working but pages would not load. After 5 calls to the router help support in India they do not have a clue and say they will get back to us..
By mid morning yesterday we started getting calls about websites being down. After 6 hours on thehone with godaddy advanced tech support they told me it was my problem not theirs!
But then Ryan caught his first fish – a nice 5 or 6 pound sheepshead off the dock. We had an impromptu fish cleaning class and enjoyed a very nice fish dinner last night!
So we start today very grateful for our blessings, our friends and our family and the fact that we do not have to get in the car and go to work!
by miami | Oct 23, 2013
Saturday someone had come over to buy one of the last things for sale – a 12 foot fence gate – when we got to talking. After I told him my last five things to sell, he wanted to see the Saab that wouldn’t run. Long story short he wanted it and went home to get more cash.
Come time to swap title for cash we couldn’t find the title for the car or the truck! Lost in the moving process I guess.
I have to throw in here that that very morning I had watched a video by one of my favorite people Nic Askew where I was reminded that instead of we the human race being humans looking for spiritual experiences -in fact we are more likely spiritual beings experiencing human life for a short time. Profound difference!
See it here if you like
In that light I was able to watch everything that happened on Monday as I went from bank to petty govt official in a whole different perspective.
When we bought the boat, we handed someone cash, and he handed us a bill of sale and we shook hands.
No govt. No banks, No tax people, no notary.
Just two people making an agreement for better or for worse.
One of the thoughts at the end of 5 hours and 120 miles of driving ( to replace two titles to two vehicles I supposedly owned) was that our actions lately make me feel like I am getting my life title back from some govt entity somewhere.
Four more days to a new life.
by miami | Oct 17, 2013

Sailor Service Dog GOOSE
GOOSE is a 2 year old Aussie/Shepard mix. He is a paws4vets demo Service Dog and just plain awesome. Luckily, GOOSE likes being on the boat, now we just have to figure out where he will poop 🙂 As we travel we plan on training and doing seminars for paws4people. Life is good, especially, when you have a great companion on those long, cold, nights.
by miami | Oct 17, 2013
We are back on the farm (not ours anymore!) finishing the details. Packing up what little we have not already moved to YuMe. Cleaning and getting rid of all the stuff we can’ take.
Some of this kills me. Things we paid hundreds if not thousands of dollars we give away or sell for peanuts. Shelly tells me it is just stuff and let it go. Easy for her to say!
Then there is the fun of dealing with the ‘companies’. Tmobile wants to charge me $800 for canceling a contract after I have been with them 15 years. Nice. Doing my best to wipe my tracks clean!
Helping the new owners get familiar with running a horse farm has been fun. Each task I do for them (take a load to the dump) is great as it is the last time. The guy at the dump yesterday asked if we were moving when he saw what we were throwing away and when I told him we bought a boat – he said ” I heard about you! You had that horse farm right?” I guess we are locally famous… at the dump anyway 😉
Another interesting project is moving from a desktop of 15 years to an ipad mini and a chromebook. Cleaning off my computer is a trip down memory lane but it is fun deleting all that crap I have been meaning to get to! Liberating sort of!
10 days and counting until we are back on YuMe and can start that new life! Here is what our new car looks like! See it hanging on the stern?

by miami | Jul 23, 2010
The more I hear about the challenges everybody is facing the more I want to hide under a rock.
But in fact, we seem to be doing better than ever!
In some conversations I even hear talk about the end of the US as we know it, the one world oligarch government conspiracy, the chaos being fabricated to ensure the ability of the these people to make it happen – and on and on.
Then I think to myself – if I buy into that thinking I am helping create it!
So although it is very difficult to do (don’t we all want to see something bad happen in the news as we are so trained to look for it???) I am consciously doing my best to create MY world.
I’ll leave the bad stuff for the news networks to promote and hope it affects them as they create it!
And you?
by miami | Dec 7, 2009
When I say change I do not refer to the current administration change.
For you and I though, in most cases change is a very good thing. We tend to get stuck in routines and habits harmful to our growth.
The best thing you can do is go out and make a deliberate provocative change. (You can always change back!)
Pick something in your life needing a new look, or new direction and take action today!