by miami | Jul 5, 2007
Last week I wrote about the need to maintain relationships to reach business and personal growth goals and offered a call to share an easy to use, very inexpensive solution.
I wondered what others had to say about it:
“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that man is here for the sake of other men.”
— Albert Einstein
“The soft stuff is always harder than the hard stuff.”
— Roger Enrico
Vice Chairman, Pepsico
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
— Mother Teresa
People don’t want to be “marketed TO”; they want to be “communicated WITH.”
– Flint McGlaughlin
This very simple solution is: sending written personal cards.
Who do you want to reach out and touch?
I can show you how I do it!
by miami | Jun 25, 2007
How important is happiness to you?
When I wrote the book BeDoHave in 2002, I believed happiness was found through defining and creating success for us as individuals. The book lays out the steps I use to help clients find happiness so as a reader you could do the same.
(it’s available at
I have since learned there is one crucial element not covered sufficiently well in the book because I simply wasn’t as aware of it as I am now. That is relationships. I said then being happy was not about acquiring or having. In fact happiness is much more about sharing and giving.
Not only is personal happiness and success built around relationships with others but so is business success. Try doing business by yourself sometime. That is a challenge!
As a person who tends to stay at home, and away from the places most opportune to meet people, I have limited my ability to create and maintain relationships to maximize both personal and business growth needs. Realizing this, I have lately been taking advantage of opportunities to get out and meet others.
But how do I build and maintain a relationship begun in this manner?
Earlier this year I was introduced to a simple online system that beautifully solves this dilemma for me.
On Tuesday July 17 at 730 pm EST you are invited to join in on a conference call where I will share with you one way I have learned to improve happiness. Both personal happiness in everyday giving and business happiness in how to build and maintain relationships in a very simple and inexpensive manner taking less that ten minutes a day of your time or an assistants’ time.
Mark your calendar now! The phone number to call is 1-218-486-1300 and the access is 298866. You will want to be in front of your computer (and on the internet) for this one hour sharing.
See you then!
p.s. I am working hard to get a very special guest on the call.
I’ll know for sure in the next several weeks.
pps This whole line of thinking has greatly influenced my future plans. Over the next few months I am making drastic changes in all aspects of my life, leading to a very special and exciting event for us in late fall this year or early next year. Interested in happiness? You will absolutely benefit from following this journey!
by miami | Jun 19, 2007
Since writing the book BeDoHave about finding happiness several years ago, I have spent thousands of hours thinking about and in conversation with people about the subject of being happy.
What makes us happy, how do we become unhappy, how do we be happy when there is nothing to be happy about… that kind of stuff.
As a husband and father – (and therefore by default the provider) – many times happiness seems tied to my ability to fulfill these roles. In other words if the family is provided for and is happy – then I am happy.
If you have completed the “Definitions of Success” exercises (given away for signing up for the blog), then you know it is impossible to base success – or happiness on something out of your control. Nor do I believe we should base our happiness on others.
Four years ago we bought some expensive dirt outside Atlanta and proceeded to build a dream. (more…)
by miami | Jun 10, 2007
I am reading an interesting book I found lying on our coffee table. It’s about the Australian Aborigines.
This is not my first introduction to this magnificent race, but it is my first introduction to a novel idea about them and their society I think we all could benefit to understand.
The following few paragraphs are paraphrased from the book Voices of the First Day by Robert Lawlor.
Before the advent of agriculture, the world was populated with hunter/gatherers. These peoples (like the American Indians and the Aborigines) owned no property, worshiped the Earth that provided all, and cared for everyone in the tribe. (more…)
by miami | Apr 12, 2007
Welcome to the new subscribers. I am always amazed and honored that you saw something in the posts to encourage you to ask for more.
I am in the middle of a lot of changes. One of them is a new site.
A friend from Hawaii and I were very excited to launch last week to start a community dedicated to helping our kids define what success is for them and then help them achieve it. (more…)
by miami | Mar 15, 2007
There are two ways to get to an end result. Only two.
One is to be pulled toward the result. The other is to be pushed toward the result.
Most people push themselves or are pushed by others. A few are pulled.
Which of these two ways do you think makes for a better, easier to achieve result? Why?
If there is something you want to do, and you want to do it with all your heart, how hard is it for you to overcome procrastination, fear and challenges to reach that goal?
On the other hand, if you really do not care whether you get there or not, or worse if you are striving for someone else’s goal, how hard is it to overcome procrastination, fear and challenges?
What makes the difference?
Owning a vision of the future is crucial to success whether in business or personal growth.
If you have a vision nothing will stand in your way. You will not want to stop at the end of the day, and you will want to get after it as soon as you can in the morning. Procrastination,which is the most damaging of all afflictions is laid to waste, fear falls by the wayside and challenges melt like butter!
Find a vision.
At the least, find a short term vision and work on that until the longer term becomes obvious. Work with a partner or a coach to define your vision.
It can and must be done.
technorati tags:procrastination, vision, create+vision, fear, challenges